It's been over a month since we came to visit...boy how time flies. Since we got back home, Vada's been hitting all kinds of milestones. It's really amazing to watch.
She started teething a couple of weeks ago, which means that now she's got a little drool factory installed in her mouth. We never had bibs on that girl until she started teething, and now we go through 4 to 5 every day! It's pretty crazy how much drool comes out of such a little mouth. Despite this, she's been really well-behaved. I was expecting to be completely miserable just because she was going to be so miserable, but we've gotten lucky. She has been sleeping just fine and so far hasn't had too many sad days.
She has also been working on finding her hands and getting more control over them in the past week or so. The first time she consciously grabbed something was in the bath last week. I was pouring water on her belly out of a little green pitcher. She was focusing all of her energy into reaching the spout on that pitcher with her left hand. She reached out and grabbed it with her little fingers and Cindy and I just looked at each other in awe thinking "Did she really just do that?!" Since that moment we've been trying to get her to grab all sorts of stuff, and she's getting really good at it now. I think she has total control over her left hand so far, and is getting better with her right hand every day. We might have a little southpaw in our midst!
One other big thing she's doing lately is trying out new noises. She's been experimenting with the high-pitched squeal recently, and I fear for my ear drums. She's got quite the range! Be thankful we haven't been able to capture that one on video yet ;)
Speaking of video, the new one is going to show off the past couple of weeks. We've been having a hard time remembering the camera lately, but we'll get back on the ball, I promise! You'll be able to see how good she's getting with her hands, and her ability to focus on things. I think Mom also snuck a clip of her and I playing WoW together in there somewhere =p She likes watching the other people run around the city, and in and out of the Auction House where I spend most of my time lately. The older video shows off some of her first giggles...we both cried like wee lasses the first time we got to hear that beautiful noise. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
I've been doing this 10-hour shift thing at work for over a month now and I think I've gotten pretty well used to it at this point. I really miss out on lots of time with her during the week, but I enjoy having the nice long weekends with her. I'm still working out whether or not it's worth missing the extra couple of hours on the rest of the days. It's also really hard to go back to work after that 4-day weekend. I think I'll stick with it for awhile, but I'm considering going for either a 3-day weekend every weekend, or maybe just going back to 8 hour days and going in earlier...what do you guys think? Leave me a comment to read! Just click on that link at the end of the post marked as "(X) comments" to get started with that. "X" will just show how many comments other people have left so far.
Cindy's finally been able to get back into knitting again! Vada is now cool with just sitting next to her or in her lap while Cindy knits. Cindy Claus is hard at work making some really neat Christmas gifts for folks, and she's also been working on some cute socks/leggings for Vada to wear as it gets colder down here. Apparently I'll be getting a new hat as well. This time with ear flaps so I don't lose my ears while riding in to work!

I'm not sure if I'll have the tassels or not, how do you feel about them?
Also a quick mention for everyone -- we'll be coming home for Christmas this year! I should be able to get almost a whole two weeks off from work, and we'll be up in da U.P. the whole time. I can't wait to spend time with all of you. Being away last Christmas was terribly depressing for both of us. I think we'll avoid that from now on =D
Love you all!