Hi everyone! Chris, Vada, and I went back to the MSU Botanical Gardens today. We went last weekend, but it was so big that we couldn't finish it all in one day! We took some clips that will appear in our next weekly video. Speaking of which, I got our first video done! It turned out pretty well! Let us know if there is anything you'd like to see, we'll try to get it in the next video. The video blog is at the end of this post :)

I weighed Vada and at 7 weeks exactly, she was TEN POUNDS! She's really plumped up with being on breastmilk. I'm quite proud! She hates getting weighed, as you can see. I don't blame her, being naked on a hard scale must kind of suck.

Enjoy the video! Hope you're all well!
I miss that little munchkin so much! Thank you for the video. I have a feeling it will be viewed over and over and over! LYL