Friday, August 20, 2010

Still alive!

My little girl had quite the day yesterday! Mom took her shopping at Kohl's and Target for some new duds, and she apparently slept through most of it. This is great because she rarely naps during the day but boy does she need to. Check out these cutie clothes!

Her sleep schedule has been a little wonky the past few days since getting her shots - she had a slight fever the day after and didn't sleep much. We've also been trying to go without giving her the antacid medication to see if she's still got reflux issues. The past couple of nights she's been more irritated than usual, so we've given her the medication which seems to help a lot. She must be having some heartburn or something which is keeping her awake. I'm going to call the doc today to see about refilling that prescription.

I am finally at the last day of my first week of 10' hasn't been easy but not incredibly hard either. The hardest part I think is trying to fit everything in once I get home. Spending time with Vada and getting some 'me' time afterwards doesn't always work out. Last night she just did not want to fall asleep. She was up till my 11pm bed time for some reason. I get to see her a bit before she's latched on to Mom for the bed-time routine, and lately I've been having to take her and put her into what I call "Daddy position": butt against my stomach, legs up to my chest, bent at the waist looking up at me. I bounce her on my stomach and walk her around the house, and it usually gets her sleepy enough to where she'll nurse with Mom and pass out. It didn't work out so well last night though. She fell asleep a bit, but kept waking herself up. I'll catch up on that 'me' time over the weekend I suppose!

Speaking of weekends; I can't wait for next weekend. We're making the journey back to Negaunee to introduce Miss V to family and friends. She hasn't met my Dad yet, or my Aunt Sue and my Grandparents. That needs to be resolved =D She'll also be meeting her mutant uncle Justin, who will hopefully be done with all of his work for his exam. Not to mention the numerous friends Cindy and I have invited to stop by!

Before I go, here's a cute picture I got from Cindy yesterday...

So much freaking hair! Love you all!


  1. Thank you for the updates! I always look forward to hear what's new in your world. I miss you all like crazy, and can't wait till next week. LYL

  2. LOVE the blog/vlog!! Makes me feel closer! Can't wait for Thursday and can't wait for next year too when I'll be closer ALL the time :) Love you all! *thesmooches*
